A little bit about me...
I'm a 5'5" natural brunette with the most beautiful blue eyes (I don't mean to brag, but my daughter gets compliments on her eyes so often, which she gets from me, that I can't help it :)). I like virgin pina colodas and don't like to take walks in the rain. Something about getting soaking wet just doesn't appeal to me. I'm a SAHM of two kids, Miss A who is four, and Mr. B who is two. My DH is an engi-nerd that convinced me that I was madly in love with him, and two months after that we were married.
My loves and hobbies...
My Heavenly Father is my first love and my family is my second love. My hobbies...oh, that's a long list. Since 2007 I've been an Idaho Master Gardener (no, I don't grow potatoes), but this year I'm going to take a break from the MG program. I used to paper scrapbook, but since having children (I don't have any kids, goats aren't allowed in city limits) I've taken a break from that and now enjoy digital scrapbooking. I used to make cards, but again, the children. What I do instead: occasionally sew, pretend to quilt (I've been meaning to make a quilt for my bed for the last year, and even had the whole top put together until I realized the colors were too bright for my bedroom, so I gave it to my mom), buy Christmas decorations for cheap, buy gel window clings, decorate my living room for various holidays, reorganize, make dollar store crafts, and just craft in general.
Projects in the works or planned:
Coat hanger/rack things for the kids
Quilt for my bed
Wooden fence wall hanging things bought at the dollar store and needing to be painted
Quilts for the children
Flower hair clips for BIL's wedding for the nieces
Possible skirt for BIL's wedding for me
Glass block and vinyl nativity set (mostly just need to purchase the vinyl from an online store)
Hang some seed packet things that I bought and framed a long time ago
Redecorate for Valentine's Day
Yeah, so I think that's a lot of projects to keep me busy for awhile. And having them here holds me accountable to you, dear reader, whoever you may be. In the mean time, I'll see if I can find some of my old tutorials to post for your crafty goodness.
Have a fantastic day!
If you still need the vinyl, I have a friend that has a business selling vinyl and vinyl crafts. You can see her site at
sounds great! i have a blog for this too, however, i haven't really started it. maybe i'll do that on sunday. :) cute stuff!
I love your desire to do this new blog. Good luck with it. I hope it is successful. Love you.
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